Updated Shipping Time for Iconic Pillow Collection 2 + Pre-orders
Hello Throwmies,
Roberto here with a little update. I'm sure by now you're tired of hearing this from every business, but the global supply chain constraints are real and still affecting every industry. Throwboy is no exception. We had high hopes that we would have our new product line The Iconic Pillow Collection 2 (and our restocked pillows) at our warehouse and ready to ship to you by now. But unfortunately, we are still waiting for this new batch of pillows to arrive from our factory overseas.
Our best estimate is that you'll start to see these product shipping in just a few weeks in August 2022. Once we have the pillows at our warehouse we will notify all Kickstarter backers and pre-order customers.
The fact of the matter is the pandemic turned the global supply chain on it's head and we are still working to adapt to this change. We aim to continue bringing you awesome pillow products in future releases and crowdfunding campaigns. And we will work to anticipate the production times so you'll stay informed as your order is prepared and shipped to your door. We are eagerly awaiting the pillows to arrive so we can continue business as usual.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please reach out to hey@throwboy.com if you have any questions or concerns.
- Roberto Hoyos, CEO